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Friday, March 14, 2014

03.14 - Autism Article, Occupations Research

In today's class, everyone had time to finish the reading processing questions from the article "Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney" that we began in yesterday's class.

Article: "Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney"
You can print a copy of this article by clicking "More" and then "Print" under the sharing options (see picture below) or see Mr. Collins for a copy of the article.

Click Image to Enlarge

Questions: Article Processing Questions
One of the reading questions asks that you underline different parts of the article. This means you will probably want a printed copy of the article (either print the one above or see Mr. Collins for a copy)

 A number of people were struggling with the article from Wednesday's class titled "Reaching my Autistic Son Through Disney." Most struggles were related to the length of the piece. I created an abridged version of the story which people can read and use to complete the assignment. See the links below.

"Reaching my Autistic Son Through Disney" - Abridged Version

 Questions: Article Processing Questions
One of the reading questions asks that you underline different parts of the article. This means you will probably want a printed copy of the article (either print the one above or see Mr. Collins for a copy)

If you enjoy this version, you may want to read the full version and see what happened with Owen as he grew up and went to college.
---------------------------End Note-----------------------------

As people finished this article, they were able to begin looking for sources and creating notecards for the second section of our research paper (see below for details).

Section 2 - Current Information (700 words)
(A one sentence answer to any of the questions below would serve as a main idea of your paragraph.)

What sort of education, certification, or licensing does this occupation require?
What does someone doing this occupation make?
What tools do people use in this occupation today?
How has the occupation changed and become different from its early history?
How has technology changed the way this occupation is done?
What skills does this occupation require now?

Everyone needs to find two new sources for this section of the paper.
(Information from sources used in the first section of the paper can still be used in this section.)

Notecard Requirements:
10 notecards total
     2 summary notecards
     2 paraphrase notecards
     2 quotation notecards
     4 free choice notecards (summary, paraphrase, or quotation)


Find two new sources for the second section of the paper.
Create five new notecards for this section of the paper.

If you did not finish responding to all of the questions associated with the article from today's class, do so for homework.

Relevant material/handouts:

Paper sections (with guiding questions)

Writing rubric for paper sections.

Outline Information
Thesis Statement Information
Main Idea Information

Quotation Information
Paraphrase Information
Summary Information 

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

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