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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

03.25 - Research

At the beginning of class today, I handed out roots and prefix sheets for the set 12 roots and prefixes.
Everyone had about 15 minutes to complete the front side of this sheet. We reviewed how to use the dictionary to complete these sheets before we began.

After this time, we returned to work with our research projects. At this point, everyone should be working on writing the second section of their research paper. A number of people have not reached this stage yet, however so we checked in quickly on everyone's progress via a show of hands (see directions below).

Click Image to Enlarge
In terms of progress, most of the class was around stage 2 or 3 in terms of their progress. We will be using this week to get people caught up on their projects and then working on section 3 next week.

Everyone had the rest of the period to work on their research project according to where they were at.
I met individually with people to help them with their research and answer questions.

Roots and Prefixes Set 12 - Word List
Roots and Prefixes Set 12 - Practice


Continue working on your research project. Your goal should be to complete one stage (see stages outlined on slide above) outside of class so that you can begin the next stage tomorrow in class.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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