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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

03.12 - (Sub) Summary, Paraphrase, Quotation Practice

I was not in school today as I was attending a professional conference. Today's work focused more on how to use summary, paraphrase, and quotation with non-fiction texts (in this case a feature news story).

The instructions for the substitute were as follows:

Have everyone read the article “Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney” and respond to the associated questions.

Article: "Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney"
You can print a copy of this article by clicking "More" and then "Print" under the sharing options (see picture below) or see Mr. Collins for a copy of the article.

Click Image to Enlarge

Questions: Article Processing Questions
One of the reading questions asks that you underline different parts of the article. This means you will probably want a printed copy of the article (either print the one above or see Mr. Collins for a copy)


If you did not finish responding to all of the questions associated with the article from today's class, do so for homework.

Complete your notecards and outline for the background/definition section of the research paper.

Relevant material/handouts:

Paper sections (with guiding questions)

Writing rubric for paper sections.

Outline Information
Thesis Statement Information
Main Idea Information

Quotation Information
Paraphrase Information
Summary Information 

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

Video Tutorials:
Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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