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Thursday, March 6, 2014

03.06 - Notecards

We began class today with everyone working on the practice sheet for the set 11 roots and prefixes. People worked with a partner to complete this sheet. We then reviewed responses to this sheet. We will have the set 11 roots and prefixes quiz first thing next class.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to read through their sources and identify important information to include on notecards. These notecards will be used to build an outline which we will then use to write the research paper.

Requirements for notecards are:
10 notecards total
     2 summary notecards
     2 paraphrase notecards
     2 quotation notecards
     4 free choice notecards (summary, paraphrase, or quotation)

The following are resources that we have used so far in class to help inform and guide the research process. Check these out to help direct your work.

Video Tutorials:


Finish creating your ten notecards for your occupations research project.

Prepare for the set 11 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow.
Set 11 Roots/Prefix - Word List
Set 11 Roots/Prefix - Practice

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
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