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Thursday, March 27, 2014

03.27 - Effective Interviews

Everyone had the first fifteen minutes of class today to work on the set 12 roots and prefix practice sheets. We then reviewed these responses. We will have the set 12 roots and prefixes quiz in class tomorrow.

Next, we returned to our discussion of interviews from class yesterday. Today, Mr. Lucarelli came in to model interviews with me. I conducted two interviews with Mr. Lucarelli (one that was less effective and one that was effective) and then Mr. Lucarelli discussed what the interview process was like for him as the interviewee to give us an insider perspective.

Everyone was asked to watch and take notes on these three separate sections and then write a short piece looking at what makes an effective interview. Videos of these interviews are below along with copies of the notes I took while doing the interview.

The Not Very Effective Interview

The Effective Interview

Interview Candidate Feedback



Prepare for the set 12 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow:

Respond to the prompt question on the note sheet from today's activity discussing what the elements of an effective interview are.

Continue working on your research project. Your goal should be to complete one stage (see stages outlined on slide above) outside of class so that you can begin the next stage tomorrow in class.

For Friday, everyone should have through the second section of the paper completed through the writing of the paper. The first section of the paper will go on the third quarter report card along with the second section notecards and outline.

The second section writing of the paper and all of the work for the third section of the paper will go on the fourth quarter report card.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

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