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Monday, March 24, 2014

03.24 - Occupations Work

For class today, I returned work that had been submitted last week and graded over the weekend along with updated grade report sheets.  We also reviewed class progress on the occupations research so far, by looking at distributions of grades. Data on sections one and two of the paper are below. (Outlines for the projects are for the entire project so data is the same on both charts)

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge
 In presenting this data to the class, I focused on how it shows that people are, overall, doing well finding sources and getting notecards started. However, the graph shows that completing notecards and then getting those organized into an outline is proving difficult for people. Not having notecards completed or having an outline has lead to no submissions of drafts for sections of the paper (where the first section was due for 3/14 and the second section was supposed to be turned in on 3/21).

I presented several options for the class with respect to how to get the research process back underway: meeting individually with people to check in on their work while we work, forming small groups and having those groups meet to discuss and work on the part of the paper they are on, work as a full class focusing on specific aspects of the project. The class opted for the individual work and check in options.

The article on autism and Disney movies is one that a large number of people have yet to finish. In class we took about 15 minutes to work on this before moving into individual work on the occupations research project. People who had finished their work with this article began working on research. I checked in with people who are still working on the article and made everyone aware that there is an abridged version of the article for those who were having difficulty getting through the full article. Both articles use the same questions.

After people had an opportunity to work on or finish the processing questions related to the autism article, we returned to doing independent work on the research project. I presented everyone with a model outline to show what an effective outline can look like in NoodleTools. I annotated the outline to illustrate some of the key features and what those should look like.

Click Image to Enlarge
 Everyone had the rest of the period to work on their occupations research project. I met individually with people to check in on their progress with them.

"Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney" - Full Article
"Reaching my Autistic Son Through Disney" - Abridged Version
Article Processing Questions

Research Information

Current Information (700 words)
A one sentence answer to any of the questions below would serve as a main idea of your paragraph.

What sort of education, certification, or licensing does this occupation require?
What does someone doing this occupation make?
What tools do people use in this occupation today?
How has the occupation changed and become different from its early history?
How has technology changed the way this occupation is done?
What skills does this occupation require now?

For this section of the paper you will need:
2 new sources (you can also use information from sources from the first section)
10 notecards
     2 summary notecards
     2 paraphrase notecards
     2 quotation notecards
     4 free choice (summary, paraphrase, or quotation) notecards

While people were working on this next section of the paper, I came around and met individually with people to address any questions about grades, assignments, and/or research.

Relevant material/handouts:

Paper sections (with guiding questions)
Writing rubric (used for the write up of all sections)

Outline Information
Thesis Statement Information
Main Idea Information

Quotation Information
Paraphrase Information
Summary Information 

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

Video Tutorials:


Continue to work on your occupations research. Your goal should be to complete whatever step of the research process you are on now for next class. This means that you can begin the next step of the process next class.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

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