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Friday, March 28, 2014

3.28 - Finalizing Quarter 3 Work

At the beginning of class today, we played "Root Stick" as a review of our set 12 roots and prefixes. We then had the roots and prefix quiz for this set of words and corrected the quizzes immediately after finishing them.

Next, we reviewed yesterday's interview observation and discussed the differences between the two interviews. We focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each interview and discussed why certain behaviors will discourage or encourage interview candidates in responding to questions and participating in the interview.

Then everyone had the rest of the period to work on any quarter three work that still needs to be revised or submitted. People could also work on their research project according to where they were at with it. I met individually with people to help them with their research and answer questions.

A number of people had questions regarding how to set up their outline with their notecards. I reviewed an outline from another students project as a model for how to write the thesis and main ideas and then organize the notecards in these sections (see below).

Click Image to Enlarge


Continue working on your research project. Begin work on section 3.
Your goal should be to complete one stage (see stages outlined on slide above) outside of class so that you can begin the next stage tomorrow in class.
Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

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